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Top tips for guest posting in 2013

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Top tips for guest posting in 2013

Editor's Choice If I think about traffic, organic traffic comes to be my favorite. I love it more than any other methods of traffic, mainly because of its consistency. I also appreciate the power of social media, subscribers and direct visitors as a source of traffic for my blog, but I have observed that organic traffic have proved to lead to much more conversions.

You just need to plan a perfect strategy for your blog and then implement it with efficiency and can enjoy the sweet fruits of organic traffic almost forever.

And if I think about my favorite link building strategy, then guest posting is what comes into my mind. I have been writing guest posts for various blogs for a long time, but my primary intention was never link building. I love to write and reach as large audience as possible and provide them with the best quality content possible.

But, I have seen many guest bloggers, who are almost spoiling this guest posting environment, by taking it in the wrong way. Providing low-quality 500 words, spun-like articles and writing articles only for the sake of getting backlinks, is never the principles of guest posting.

They probably do not understand the essence of guest blogging and make a complete mess of not only their own blog but also the host blog. In this article, without giving “hard SEO slogans”, I will try to make guest blogging strategy as simple and as easy as possible.

Guest Blogging – The Indirect Source of Traffic

After the rise of Penguin update, all other methods of link building are fading away, except guest blogging, if done in the correct way. Google always recommends getting links as rewards by providing editorial content. So, link building through proper guest blogging techniques, can help you create a very strong link profile.

Personally, I have written for many blogs (big or small), and I get good traffic regularly now. But I do not consider guest posting for direct traffic, as even some of my guest posts getting published in some of the A-listed blogs, brought me only a few visitors.

But, indirectly, a guest post written by me, about a year before, is still now bringing traffic for me.

Planning a Proper Strategy

Writing hundreds of guest posts, without a proper plan, is not going to help you in any way. You need to make a strong and laser-targeted plan to make your efforts successful. You have to choose the blogs where you want to contribute guest posts, write specific articles for specific blogs, etc

Not only that you also need to recognize the high-volume, less competitive keywords you want to rank for and then start building links using these keywords (exactly or partially) as anchor texts of the links.

A proper game plan is necessary. You need to be sure, what you are doing. Each and every step you take must be the part of your plan.

Doing Wrong With the Anchor Text

I have seen many bloggers, doing mistake with the anchor texts and thereby spoiling their entire efforts. You need to keep one thing in mind, that your link text profile should look natural in Google’s eyes. So, build links with anchor texts with descriptive and natural-looking texts.

Don’t use the exact match anchor text for all links, this will make your link profile look artificial and extremely over-optimized. Use variations of the exact keyword and make them descriptive, so that your link building seems natural to Google.

You also need to have a lot of generic anchor text links like click here, visit us, etc to anywhere in your site. This will also help in making your anchor text profile more natural.

Identify the Relevancy of the Host Site

Getting links from sites that doesn’t fall in your niche is not going to help you in getting strong SEO signal from your links. Suppose, you are writing an article on “cheap dog foods” and you get a ink from a Technology blog, then will it seem natural to Google?

So, always guest post in sites which talk about the same topics as you do. Not only that, try to make the guest post relevant to the page where you are linking.

It will help you get even better results for your efforts. The relevancy of the host site combined with the relevancy of the guest post itself, will get you to a very strong SEO for your link.

Consistent Guest Blogging Helps Even More

Suddenly, getting a lot of links from guest posts can make Google consider unnatural., thereby giving ample scope for your entire strategy to get spoiled. So, it is always a good practice to maintain a consistent link velocity.

Getting too many links all at once, may give you a sudden boost in rankings, but that will probably be short-lived, and you will eventually lose all your rankings in the long run.

Try to plan your strategy in such a way so that you can build links regularly and consistently. But you do not need to do it indefinitely. If you can get your article ranked for a while, then it will automatically gather links and maintain the link velocity automatically.

These are the most simple yet the most important principles of guest blogging. Many experienced bloggers, even after writing hundreds of guest posts, still get into the confusion with these simple things, and make huge mistake with their guest blogging strategies. Hope I could help you with this article. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me and the other readers in the comments section.

AuthorBy Guest Author 

Aritra Roy, is a blogger who writes for his blog dapazze.com, on various topics like Blogging and Search Engine Optimization techniques. In his blog, he tries to make his readers learn what is seo easily.

AuthorIf you would like to write for livesmartnaira, check our guest posting guidelines

Thanks again for your interest and i look forward to hearing from you.

NeoAurel - Founder Of   live smart naira

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