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Monetize Make money with Pinterest

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Monetize Make money with Pinterest

Editor's Choice It is not very easy to make money on Pinterest. They are having trouble making money themselves, as it appears that making money was not really considered until the social media site became successful. Ironically, the social media sites that concentrate on the user over making money seem to have the most success. Even YouTube had few ways of making money until Google installed the un-skippable advert system on there. has a few (fairly passive) methods of making money.

Make money via sending traffic

This may be one of the only sustainable ways of making money. The people who attend your Pinterest pin boards are still people, which means that they are potential customers. If you can get them from your Pinterest board onto a website that is monetized, then you can still make a little bit of money. The means of making money is very passive, however it is better to have a Pinterest campaign than not.

You could draw them onto your eCommerce website or onto your eBay store. You may also lead them to your blog in the hopes that they click your affiliate adverts. It may be possible for you to promote your products or services in a way that makes people search for your website or business online.

Attract the right kind of people using keywords

Promotion is less about what you say, and more about who you say it to. If you add keywords and key phrases into your pin boards or profile, then you will be able to attract the right kind of people. You want to attract the people who are going to want to purchase your goods, and if you have already started an online promotional campaign, then you should be well aware of all the keywords that you will ever need.

Add some keywords to the descriptions of your boards

This is also going to help the right people find your boards. People will be able to find your service or your product on Pinterest. You can allow your marketing to rub off on them, or you can try to convince them to visit your website or blog.

Connect your Pinterest image URL to your website

This is something you should do if you want to increase the chances of you making money on Pinterest. People who click will end up landing on your website, and Google will notice if a lot of your pins are getting shared. It will regard this as an interest in your pins and the URL/website connected to it. It will use this as a ranking factor for your website in the search engine results pages. There is usually a way of connecting a social media profile to a website.

Use Pinterest to increase your website SEO

As you can see by the advice to install keywords and embed URLS that Pinterest is still nuzzled into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in the same way that the other big social media sites are. This is because Google considers social media when it ranks pages on its SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Therefore, you can use Pinterest to increase the SERP ranking of your website. This is going to bring more traffic which will hopefully bring you more money.

Add the Pinterest widget to your website

This is just another little thing that you can do in order to raise your SERP ranking. The widget will allow people to pin things from your website, which will bring a link between your site and your Pinterest profile. A link that Google will recognize as a ranking factor on their search engine index.

Add your domain name to your pictures

This is a very common process these days. At the bottom left or right of the picture, you should add your website domain name. People will not be able to click this address, but they will be able to type it into the search engines or even type it into the web browser address bar.

This is going to help bring people to your website. But, you can also do things such as add your brand symbol and other business related images (mascots, etc). This is going to help people associate your images with your website or blog. This may not bring traffic right away, but it will help to spread your brand around so that more people know who you are. It also helps to keep your brand at the top of their mind when they actually arrive at a time when they need the products that you sell.

About the Author:

Author Bio: This post is written by Kate Funk. She is a professional blogger and writer at English-Educator.com. She specializes in topics of interest to techno geeks and networking enthusiasts.

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